Sex Crimes Defense
California Criminal Attorney
Sacramento · San Francisco · San Jose · Los Angeles
Defending California Sex Offenders

In California, it's no secret that sex offenders face an uphill battle. A veteran at defending sex crimes all over the state, Ken Rosenfeld successfully appealed sex registration for a former client and had the Appellate Court deem it unconstitutional.
This major accomplishment has set The Rosenfeld Law Firm apart from other California criminal defense lawyers.
Time Matters
The single most important thing you can do if you are accused of committing a sex crime is to contact an experienced California sex crimes defense attorney immediately. Don't wait until you are formally charged with the crime; at that point you will have a sex offender arrest on your record. Then, regardless of whether or not the charge is dismissed, the results can be devastating. Potential employers, landlords, and professional licensing agencies may find out that you were arrested for a sex crime and immediately reject your application.
When you enlist the help of one of the California criminal defense attorneys at The Rosenfeld Law Firm, your case will become an immediate priority. A team of private defense investigators will begin an aggressive search for evidence that could clear your name. It is not unusual for the District Attorney's office to dismiss a sex crimes case if sufficient exculpatory evidence is presented early enough in the case.
You Need an Aggressive California Sex Crimes Defense Attorney
Unlike other crimes, sex crimes carry a stigma in society that can follow a defendant for the rest of his or her life. That is why you need an aggressive California criminal defense attorney to protect your rights before your case even goes to court. In sex crimes cases, an aggressive defense may involve conducting any or all of the following on your behalf:
- DNA testing
- Interviewing witnesses and associates of the accuser
- Investigating the accuser's past
- Ensuring that any evidence collected by the prosecutor has been obtained legally
Obtaining Successful Verdicts in Sex Crimes Cases
The criminal defense attorneys at The Rosenfeld Law Firm have obtained dismissals and not guilty verdicts in many different types of sex crimes cases. If you have been charged with any of the following, your experienced Rosenfeld Law Firm attorney will aggressively fight for your freedom:
- Rape
- Indecent Exposure
- Lewd Conduct - Engaging in Lewd Conduct
- Lewd Conduct - Solicitation for Lewd Conduct
- Sexual Battery
- Statutory Rape
- Penal Code 288 Lewd Acts with a Child
- Penal Code 311: Possession of Child Pornography
- Prostitution - Engaging in Prostitution
- Prostitution - Solicitation of Prostitution
- Sex Registration (Failure to Register)
In addition to extensive experience in criminal defense, your Rosenfeld Law Firm attorney has insider knowledge of sex crimes cases from the prosecution's perspective. The former law enforcement officers on your defense investigation team are familiar with the way in which prosecutors build sex crimes cases. They will put this knowledge to work for you, searching for typical weaknesses in witness testimony, evidence and the finer points of prosecutorial rules and ethics.
Being accused of a sex crime is one of the most devastating things that can happen to a person. An accused sex offender needs a strong defense team who will aggressively fight for his or her freedom and reputation. If you have been accused of a sexually based offense in California, the criminal defense attorneys at The Rosenfeld Law Firm can help clear your name and put this painful event behind you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.
Contact an Attorney
To speak with one of our California criminal defense lawyers, for more information about the company's law firm, or to schedule a consultation, please contact us online or call the office directly:
(916) 447-2070
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The Rosenfeld Law Firm represents clients in Northern, Central, and Southern California, especially the counties of Sacramento, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Clara, San Diego, Orange County, and Los Angeles, plus El Dorado, Placer, Yolo, and Solano.